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File REPVERT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Dbase Source Code
Report.gen replacement for Dbase IV 1.1. Fixes several bugs.
File NameFile SizeZip SizeZip Type
REPVERT.GEN Version 1.0 -- a modified REPORT.GEN for dBASE IV 1.1
Joel Saltzman
Ashton-Tate Software Support
This report file offers repairs for two anomalies.
1. The current REPORT.GEN will attempt to put up to 17 report
fields (database fields, calculated fields, predefined fields,
summary fields) on one line in the .FRG, possibly exceeding the
maximum line length of 1024. A line that exceeds 1024 characters
will not compile. REPVERT.GEN only allows 7 report fields per
line of generated code. This will repair all but the longest
combinations of calculated fields. This change will not inhibit
you from including as many fields on one line as you're
accustomed to.
2. The second anamoly occurs when you have more than 17 fields in
a detail band and one of the first 17 fields has vertical
stretch selected as one of its picture functions. If the
vertical stretch field (indicated by a group of Vs representing
the field in the report layout) stretches for more than one line,
all fields following the 17th field will print on the last line
of the vertical stretch. They should be printing on the same
line. REPVERT.GEN fixes this problem.
To use this modified REPORT.GEN file, do the following steps:
1. Insert the diskette into your A (or any other) drive.
2. Go into the directory where dBASE is installed.
3. At the DOS prompt, type
The next time you run dBASE, REPVERT.GEN will be used to produce
your reports. For any reports that you created prior to using
REPVERT.GEN, erase .FRO to
force dBASE to regenerate your old report. Don't worry -- as
long as

dBASE PLUS Downloadable Documentation

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Dbase Iv Odbc Driver Download

  • Visual dBASE 7.5 InstallShield UPDATE

    Who needs to update? Users of Visual dBASE 7.5 who wish to use their licensed copy of InstallShield Express to deploy Visual dBASE 7.5 applications.

    What does the update offer? If you have the version of InstallShield that shipped with Visual dBASE 7.01, or have upgraded to InstallShield Express 2.01, this download has the files needed to deploy your 7.5 applications, including what is needed to install the BDE version 5.10.

    Update Procedure. Download the update package and unzip it to a temporary location. Read the file “ISX for 7.5 Documentation.doc” (you can use Wordpad if you do not have Word), and follow the instructions.

  • Visual dBASE 7.0x Web Wizards BETA UPDATE

    What does the update offer? This version of the Web Wizards fixes some bugs in the earlier versions, updates VdB 7.0x Professional to full CGI-Bin (usable with Microsoft IIS), a new version of VdB_CGI.exe that now supports the POST method in addition to GET method and has new, simplified code for OEM conversions.

  • Microsoft Win32 SDK

    If you need the Win32 Software Development Kit that accompanied Visual dBASE 7.0x, here it is. You’ll probably have time for a coffee break during the download.

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Dbase software, free download

  • BDE 2.52 UPDATE (Visual dBASE 5.x)

    This is the last update to the 16-bit version of the Borland Database Engine (BDE). Download and unzip to a temporary folder, and run the SETUP program.


    What does the update offer? This update enables the Visual dBASE 5.x Deployer to create deployment packages utilizing version 2.52 of the Borland Database Engine (BDE).

    To install the update, unzip the downloaded package and copy the two .PAK files into your VISUALDBDEPLOY folder, overwriting the files of the same name.


    What does the kit offer? This kit contains instructions and utilities to modify the default copyright date displayed by the Visual dBASE 5.x Deployer.


    The Component Builder is used to help migrate your dBASE IV applications to Visual dBASE 5.x (5.5, 5.6, 5.7). This package includes all of the source files. Unzip the contents of this .zip file into your UTILS folder. You may wish to delete the file CB.PRO. Read CB.TXT for details.


    What does the Intranet Tools package offer? The Visual dBASE 5.x Intranet Tools provides a single solution for users of Visual dBASE 5.x looking to integrate databases with World Wide Web technology. The package is made up of two products:

    Visual dBASE WebExperts, which allows you to point-and-click your way to dynamic CGI table-searching applications and easily transform tables into static HTML pages. DeltaPoint WebTools, which brings Visual dBASE users powerful class library utilities for interactive WWW database application development using CGI and HTML. Installation Procedure. Download the Intranet Tools package into a temporary directory, extract the files from WEBTOOLS.ZIP, and run SETUP.EXE. For more information, see README.TXT.

Dbase Iv Download Free

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