Click on any Race below to view more information:
- Wow Archaeology Rare Items List 2020
- Wow Archaeology Rare Items List 2020
- Wow Archaeology Artifacts
- Wow Archaeology Rare Items List Names
Fossil – Night Elf – Troll– Dwarf
- If it's Tol'Vir archaeology items you want, and have the level for it, I advice to do archaeology in WoD or higher. The solves turn into crates you can buy Tol'Vir pieces for in Legion Dalaran (possibly other places too, I have not looked).
- In an MMO like World of Warcraft, which is basically about collecting items and gear, the rarest, still obtainable ones are in legendary status. And they’re not just rare: they’re rare for.
- RareScanner is an addon for World of Warcraft that detects whether a vignette has appeared in the minimap. A vignette is the little icon added in the 5.4 patch that appeared as a skull for a rare, or with other icons for events and treasures in your minimap. Since 7.0 patch it has appeared as a star.
World of Warcraft. Tracks rare drops, including companions and mounts Download. Adds Archaeology items to AdiBags virtual groups. Basically, it rolls a number and checks it against the total list of all possible artifacts. Rares are, obviously, harder to hit and it’s possible that the epic rares have the lowest drop rate of all (as compared to, say, the kaldorei wind chimes). If the game lands on an item the player is not eligible for, it rerolls.
Draenei –Orc 300+
Vrykul– Nerubian 375+
Tol’vir 450+
Many Races above will have more articles soon as Rare Artifact Info is gathered.
Night Elf, Troll, Dwarf and Fossil can Surveyed after training Archaeology. Draenei and Orc require archaeology skill 300. Vrykul and Nerubian requires skill 375. Tol’vir requires skill 450.
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Wow Archaeology Rare Items List 2020

Wow Archaeology Rare Items List 2020
Notice that most items, especially armor and weapons are Bind-on-Account.
Below are WoW Dig Site Article Links, separate pages dedicated to each listed Artifact.
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Updated for – Patch 5.0.4
Wow Archaeology Artifacts

Wow Archaeology Rare Items List Names
- Umbrella of Chi-Ji (85+ Caster Offhand)– Patch 5.0.4
- Spear of Xuen (85+ Polearm) – Patch 5.0.4
- Quilen Statuette (85+ Mastery Trinket) – Patch 5.0.4
- Anatomical Dummy– Patch 5.0.4
- Tyrande’s Favorite Doll (85 Healer Trinket)
- Queen Azshara’s Dressing Gown (60 Cloth Caster Chest)
- Clockwork Gnome (Pet)
- Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan (85 Caster Staff)
- Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds (85 2hand Str Sword)
- Voodoo Figurine(Pet) – Patch 4.1
- Haunted War Drum – Patch 4.1
- Fossilized Raptor (Mount)
- Fossilized Hatchling (Pet)
- Extinct Turtle Shell (85 Shield) – Patch 4.1
- Pterrordax Hatchling (Pet) – Patch 4.1
- Ancient Amber – Patch 4.1
- Headdress of the First Shaman (70 Chain Mail Agi Head)
- Nifflevar Bearded Axe (80 1hand Agi Axe)
- Vrykul Drinking Horn – Patch 4.1
- Crawling Claw (Pet)
- Ring of the Boy Emperor (85 Caster Ring)
- Scepter of Azj’Aqir (Mount)
- Scimitar of the Sirocco (85 1hand Str Sword)
- Staff of Ammunae (85 Healer Staff)
- Vial of the Sands (Alchemy Recipe for Mount)