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Ray Charles Songs Free Download Bollywood LIBRARYCharles, Ray United States (USA), Milford, CTSheet music menu: INSTRUMENTATIONS
'For 20 years we provide a free and legal service for free sheet music. If you use and like Free-scores.com, thank you to consider support donation. Piano Sheet music › Piano solo › Ray Charles Note the level : Note the interest :
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MIDI Composer : Arranger : Ray Charles (1947 - ) Instrumentation : Piano solo Style : Christmas - Carols Date : 12/89 Copyright : Public Domain A medley of Christmas Carols at the opening, with aninterposing of 'Were you there when they crucified myLord' and 'Silent Night', ending with a jubilant 'HowGreat Thou Art', and a phrase from the 'HallelujahChorus' from Handel's Messiah. Unabashedly sentimental, was a much-requested favoriteduring the holidays.
Added by charles-ray the 2010-07-31
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<tbody><tr><td width='0%' valign='top' align='center'><br /></td><td width='100%'><font><div><span>Thank tou very much, it will be a pleasure for me to play this to my friends for a little party around my piano we will have within two weeks</span></div></font></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div><font>Was this review helpful?</font>Yes<font> (65)</font>No<font> (43)</font></div></div><div><div><table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='98%'><tbody><tr><td width='0%' valign='top' align='center'><br /></td><td width='100%'><font><div><span>Thank you for uploading! If only I saw this before the contest ended(but I didn't vote for anyone)!</span></div></font></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div><font>Was this review helpful?</font>Yes<font> (67)</font>No<font> (70)</font></div></div><div><table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='98%'><tbody><tr><td width='0%' valign='top' align='center'><br /></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div><table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='98%'><tbody><tr><td width='0%' valign='top' align='center'><br /></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></fieldset><br /><center><div><fieldset><legend><strong>Equipment & Sheet music</strong></legend><table cellpadding='2' width='100%'><tbody><tr><td valign='top' align='middle'><b>Really Easy Piano</b><br /></td></tr></tbody></table><br /></fieldset></div></center></td><td width='40%' valign='top' align='left'><br /><div><br /></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></fieldset><font size='1'>Report problem</font></div><br /></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
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